Thursday, September 11, 2008

japanese cotton (46 - 47)

JP-46 (out of stock)

JP-47 (out of stock)

chinese cotton (45)

cc-45 (bidang 60")
** cotton warna putih bersulam timbul

**sesuai dipadankan dengan kain batik/kain bercorak e.g kotak2 etc

CONTOH (dengan batik sarung):

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

viscose (41 - 44)

v-41 (out of stock)

v-42 (out of stock)

v-43 (out of stock)

v-44 (out of stock)

viscose cotton (38 - 40)

VC-38 (bidang 60") (out of stock)

VC-39 (bidang 60") (out of stock)

VC-40 (bidang 60") (out of stock)

swiss cotton (35 - 37)

SC-35 (out of stock)

SC-36 (out of stock)

SC-37 (out of stock)